  • 注册日期2006-02-18
  • 发帖数65
  • QQ359906319
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Senior GIS Software Engineer 新钶信息系统(深圳)有限公司

更多 发布于:2008-04-21 13:37
<P>Senior GIS Software Engineer<br>新钶信息系统(深圳)有限公司<br>公司规模:100 - 499人公司性质:外商独资.外企办事处公司行业:计算机软件,IT服务·系统集成,互联网·电子商务<br>信息来源:GIS就业论坛 <a href="http://giszhaopin.5d6d.com/" target="_blank" >http://giszhaopin.5d6d.com</A>  更多信息请登录论坛查看 GIS就业交流群2:39287492<br>职位性质:全职 发布日期:2008/4/21 截止日期:2008/7/26 工作经验:1-2年 学历要求:本科以上 招聘人数:1人 语言能力:英语/良好 简历语言:中文和英文 工作地点:深圳 职位类别:数据库管理员·数据库开发工程师(计算机·网络·技术类)+高级软件工程师(计算机·网络·技术类)+软件工程师(计算机·网络·技术类) 职位描述: <br>Requirement:<br>1.Bachelor degree major in Computer and realted major, more than 2 years working experiences in GIS software development. <br>2. Experience in using the either one of the GIS product stated in Basic Requirement.<br>3. Advantage if have attended or obtained certification in these field. <br>4. Ability to analyse GIS data and do quality check.<br><br>Basic Skill Requirement<br>1. ArcGIS, ArcSDE, ArcInfo,MapInfo<br>2. Microstation<br>3. FME<br>4.GeoMidia<br><br>Optional Skill Requirement<br>1. Oracle<br>2. Visual Basic<br>3.C,C++ <br>联系方式: <br>公司网址:<a href="http://www.stelect.softserv.com.cn/" target="_blank" >www.stelect.softserv.com.cn</A><br>E-mail:<a href="http://www.gisempire.com/bbs/mailthr@stelect.softserv.com.cn" target="_blank" >hr@stelect.softserv.com.cn</A><br><br>公司介绍: <br>ST Electronics (Software Services) [STEE-SoftServ] was established in 1999 in China (now headquartered in ShenZhen) by Singapore Technologies Electronics Limited. We bring together the best of class in providing professional IT services globally, incorporating the discipline of best practices that is a signature of Singapore and the vast human resource talents of China.<br>Singapore Technologies Electronics is the electronics arm of public listed Singapore Technologies Engineering Limited (ST Engineering). ST Engineering is among the top 10 public listed companies on the Singapore Exchange Securities (SGX) with 2006 revenues of S$4.49 billion (approx RMB22.45 billion) and market capitalisation S$9.07 billion (approx RMB45.35 billion).<br>ST Electronics is possibly the largest Mission Critical System integrator in the region and pride ourselves in delivering innovative system solutions to defence and commercial customers worldwide. Research and development has always been an important thrust for us and will continue to power the way ahead for our global expansion.<br>ST Electronics (Software Services) offers a challenging and exciting career opportunity for people who want to be part of a worldwide conglomerate that understands and emphasizes professional training and career development in a dynamic working environment applying the latest technologies. We develop the best to become the best.<br><br>Our services:<br>●Software Application Development <br>Have an idea that you would like to try, or projects with parts that needs to be done but is not part of your core strategy. We offer full contract turnkey software application development services that allows you to focus on your requirements while we turn them into working software products for you. <br>TRULY YOU DREAM, WE BUILD. <br><br>●IT Manpower Services <br>Unable to justify a large IT team, difficulties with IT staff, projects that suddenly appears. We've assembled, trained as well as networked with a large pool of IT expertise from China that is readily available for all your short or long term IT manpower needs. <br>YOUR MANPOWER NEEDS, OUR DELIVERY. <br><br>●IT Consultancy Services <br>Like you, we face challenges in planning, designing and implementing IT solutions for today's needs that powers tomorrow's dreams. Our experience team of consultants can help to design your IT strategies and solutions to achieve your goals and maximize your IT investments.<br>YOUR IT CHALLENGE, OUR RESOLUTION. <br><br>To be a world-class system house, manpower is our most important element. We provide professional training, dynamic working environment, attractive remuneration package and oversea working opportunity for the right candidate. If you are interested in this challenging job and developing your career, please send your full resume to us for this challenge.<br>联系方式: <br>公司网址:<a href="http://www.stelect.softserv.com.cn/" target="_blank" >www.stelect.softserv.com.cn</A><br>E-mail:<a href="http://www.gisempire.com/bbs/mailthr@stelect.softserv.com.cn" target="_blank" >hr@stelect.softserv.com.cn</A></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-21 13:38:20编辑过]
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  • 注册日期2007-06-11
  • 发帖数25
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发布于:2008-09-26 11:07
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  • 注册日期2007-07-11
  • 发帖数42
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  • 铜币221枚
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  • GIS帝国居民
发布于:2008-09-28 15:59
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