  • 注册日期2003-08-08
  • 发帖数654
  • QQ164646905
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Example in Visual Basic

更多 发布于:2003-09-03 21:45
' This sample demonstrates the use of Datasets.Add and
' the RequestData
' event supported by MapX to build an unbound dataset, which
' allows MapX to access data whose format is known only to the
' programmer. In this example, the data is in the form of a
' two-dimensional array in VB.
Private Const kNumberOfRows = 3
Dim theData(1 To 3, 1 To 2) As Variant
Private Sub Form_Load()
 theData(1, 1) = "ME"                ' Fill in the data to
 theData(2, 1) = "NH"                ' be used by RequestData

 theData(3, 1) = "VT"
 theData(1, 2) = 100
 theData(2, 2) = 200
 theData(3, 2) = 300
 Map1.ZoomTo 800, -70.26, 44.05      ' Zoom in on New England
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
 Dim flds As New MapXLib.Fields
 Dim ds As Dataset
 ' Describe the structure of the unbound dataset:
 flds.Add "State", "State", miAggregationIndividual,_
 flds.Add "Sales", "Sales", miAggregationSum, miTypeNumeric
 ' Create the unbound dataset. The "RequestData" event will be

  `triggered to get the data to be used.
 Set ds = Map1.Datasets.Add(miDatasetUnbound, Nothing,  _
  "My Dataset", "State", , "USA", flds)
 ' Create a theme based on the "Sales" column in the unbound dataset
 ds.Themes.Add miThemeGradSymbol, "Sales", "My Theme"
End Sub

Private Sub Map1_RequestData(ByVal DataSetName As String, _
ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Field As Integer, _
Value As Variant, Done As Boolean)
 Done = False
 If DataSetName <> "My Dataset" Or Row > kNumberOfRows Then

  Done = True
  Value = theData(Row, Field)
 End If
End Sub
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